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Dobitnik srebrne kolajne na nedavnem svetovnem prvenstvu v alpskem smučanju.

AJ GINNIS je definitivno bil eno največjih presenečenj nedavnega svetovnega prvenstva, kljub temu, da je tekmo poprej prav tako osvojil drugo mesto v slalomu v Chamonix-u. Spodaj si lahko preberete intervju z nosilcem prve medalje na svetovnih prvenstvih v alpskem smučanju za Grčijo.

How did you feel before the race got started?

I was super excited to get things going. Conditions were icy and I was amped!

Do you have a ritual bevor every race? 

The only “ritual” I say I abide by is during the end of inspection. I have to go through the finish, look back at the course and think about the toughest part I need to focus on most. Then I spin back around and go through the visualization. It’s just one of those dumb things people do.

How would you subscribe the feeling when you realized that you won a silver medal?

Lunacy. When I came through the finish I saw 12 and not 2 so I thought I lost it. Next thing I saw was +0.20 and I was wait is that on the run or overall or what is going on. Then I saw the big glaring 2 and I lost my mind. I went from “damn AJ you really blew it” to “Holly smokes you did it!”

You had to fight with knee injuries again and again, how are you doing with the two knees currently?

I’ve had many knee injuries, yes. Unfortunately the knees will never be perfect but my team and I do a good work to get them to do enough to be working! Taking care of my knees is a full time job and of course pain, sometimes, comes with the territory.

First silver medal for you, and first medal for Greece at the world championships of any type of winter sport- that is quite special! Are you a big star in Greece now?

I think people are tired of hearing my name b now haha. Ther Prime minister called me even, I'd say people are extremely exited over this medal!

Favourite skiing resort in Greece?

Mt. Parnassos.

Anything else you want to add?

Big thank you to my coaches, sponsors, family and friends! And of course a big thank you to my Fischer race family!